Quick start with DeepDetect Platform



GPU Platform Install

CPU Platform Install

  • Select the platform install directory, requires around 6GB:

export DD_PLATFORM=$HOME/deepdetect
  • Install platform repository

git clone https://github.com/jolibrain/dd_platform_docker.git ${DD_PLATFORM}
  • Go to directory and start the platform docker containers

cd ${DD_PLATFORM}/code/gpu/
CURRENT_UID=$(id -u):$(id -g) MUID=$(id -u) docker-compose up -d

cd ${DD_PLATFORM}/code/cpu/
CURRENT_UID=$(id -u):$(id -g) MUID=$(id -u) docker-compose up -d

Once docker containers are started, platform UI is available on http://localhost:1912

GPU Platform Stop / Restart

CPU Platform Stop / Restart

  • Specify the platform directory

export DD_PLATFORM=$HOME/deepdetect
  • To stop the platform, go to directory and stop the platform docker containers

cd ${DD_PLATFORM}/code/gpu/
CURRENT_UID=$(id -u):$(id -g) MUID=$(id -u) docker-compose stop

cd ${DD_PLATFORM}/code/cpu/
CURRENT_UID=$(id -u):$(id -g) MUID=$(id -u) docker-compose stop
  • To restart the platform, go to directory and start the platform docker containers

cd ${DD_PLATFORM}/code/gpu/
CURRENT_UID=$(id -u):$(id -g) MUID=$(id -u) docker-compose up -d

cd ${DD_PLATFORM}/code/cpu/
CURRENT_UID=$(id -u):$(id -g) MUID=$(id -u) docker-compose up -d

CPU Platform Update

# Environment
export DD_PLATFORM=$HOME/deepdetect
export CURRENT_UID=$(id -u):$(id -g)
export MUID=$(id -u)

# Go to directory
cd ${DD_PLATFORM}/code/cpu

# Update platform
bash update.sh

GPU Platform Update

# Environment
export DD_PLATFORM=$HOME/deepdetect
export CURRENT_UID=$(id -u):$(id -g)
export MUID=$(id -u)

# Go to directory
cd ${DD_PLATFORM}/code/gpu

# Update platform
bash update.sh


cd ${DD_PLATFORM}/code/cpu

cd ${DD_PLATFORM}/code/gpu
  • Stop/remove docker containers and volumes

docker-compose rm -f -s -v
  • Remove DeepDetect platform directory

cd && rm -rf ${DD_PLATFORM}

Platform AWS AMI


AMI runs the latest DeepDetect Platform with many pre-trained models ready for use.

  • GPU AMI: Forthcoming product URL


  • The AMI comes ready to use, is automatically updated to the last version of the DeepDetect Platform, directly usable from a Web browser
  • A range of neural network models for image and text processing ready to be used for inference and already installed on the AMI
  • Comes with a REST API, JSON input / output and a range of clients (Python, Go, Javascript, …)
  • Ready for both training and inference of new models for images, audio, text, time-series and tabular data


  • Launch the GPU AMI (forthcoming product URL)

  • The DeepDetect platform is ready to be used form a Web browser at this address: http://<yourpublicip>:1912.

You should see the following page:

More information:

Check that DeepDetect Platform is running correctly

  • From a Web browser, got to http://yourpublicip:1912

  • Check that pre-trained models are available by navigating to the Predict tab, the page should look like:

  • Try an info call:

From outside your AMI:

curl -X GET 'http://yourpublicip:8080/info'

Output should look like:

  "status": {
    "code": 200,
    "msg": "OK"
  "head": {
    "method": "/info",
    "version": "0.1",
    "branch": "master",
    "services": []

Note: commit may be different

  • Check on the server logs, explanations are below


Here is how to do a simple image classification service and prediction test:

Service creation

curl -X PUT 'http://localhost:8080/services/ilsvrc_googlenet' -d '{
    "description": "image classification service",
    "mllib": "caffe",
    "model": {
        "init": "https://deepdetect.com/models/init/desktop/images/classification/ilsvrc_googlenet.tar.gz",
        "repository": "/opt/model/ilsvrc_googlenet"
    "parameters": {
        "input": {
            "connector": "image"
    "type": "supervised"

should yield:


Image classification

curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/predict" -d '{

should yield:

          "cat":"n03868863 oxygen mask"
          "cat":"n03127747 crash helmet"
          "cat":"n03379051 football helmet"

API clients

The recommended API clients are:


Since the DeepDetect AMI version 1.4 (latest), the DeepDetect Server is updated automatically at startup.


  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • Cuda 10 with CuDNN 7.1
  • OpenBlas
  • Caffe with custom improvements
  • XGBoost latest
  • DeepDetect latest

Server Logs

Server logs are accessible at /var/log/deepdetect.log.

Typical log at AMI startup should look like:

DeepDetect [ commit f7d27d73005db2832ef445153e42b5641104ff4f ]
Running DeepDetect HTTP server on :8080

In case of difficulties, please report the server logs along with your request.

SSH Access to AMI

To get started, launch an AWS instances using this AMI from the EC2 Console. If you are not familiar with this process please review the AWS documentation provided here:


Accessing the instance via SSH:

ssh -i  ubuntu@{ EC2 Instance Public IP }

From there you can reach the server on localhost:8080, with an info call for instance:

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:8080/info'


It is recommended to also look at the list of currently known issues. If nothing is relevant, you can try to search the closed issues as well at https://github.com/jolibrain/deepdetect.

Anyways, for any issue, you can contact support.

Known issues

  • After a reboot, the DeepDetect server is not coming back up ? The auto-update may take some time, along with the Ubuntu security updates. Wait at least five to ten minutes. If the DeepDetect server is still not getting back up, ssh into the AMI, and run sudo docker ps. If nothing shows, run top and see whether some docker processes are among the top ones, meaning the update is still under way. If it is, wait until it has finished.

  • After a reboot, the server is still not coming back up ? This is most likely due to Ubuntu auto-updates that change the kernel for a new one, without the required NVidia driver for the EC2 GPU instance. One known solution is to log onto your instance with ssh and do:


This should tell you that the current kernel does not have the required driver. Remove the kernel with:

sudo aptitude remove linux-image-4.4.0-97-generic

(change the kernel version according to nvidia-smi output).

  • The g2.2xlarge EC2 GPU instances do not appear to bear enough GPU memory for using resnet_50 and above. Try p2.2xlarge instead.

Server Crash ? DeepDetect server is robust to errors. Since it is Open Source, it has been tested under heavy load by us and customers alike.

Some situations remain from which the server cannot recover, typically:

  • when machine runs out of memory (e.g. neural net is too large for RAM or GPU VRAM)
  • when the underlying deep learning library (e.g. Caffe or Tensorflow) cannot itself recover from a memory or compute error

Note: the server automatically restarts after any unrecoverable failure.

In all cases, if you experience what you believe is a server crash, always contact support.

Free Trial

The AMI do not offer free trial since our Docker builds are available for free for both CPU and GPU.

Another way to test the product is to build it from sources, see https://github.com/jolibrain/deepdetect.


Email your requests to ami@deepdetect.com

Please allow 24hrs or use the gitter live chat for faster response.