
Welcome to the DeepDetect API!

DeepDetect is a Machine Learning server. At this stage, it provides a flexible API to train deep neural networks and gradient boosted trees, and use them where they are needed, in both development and production.


The Open Source software provides a server, an API, and the underlying Machine Learning procedures for training statistical models. The REST API defines a set of resources and options in order to access and command the server over a network.


The software defines a very simple flow, from data to the statistical model and the final application. The main elements and vocabulary are in that order:

  • data or dataset: images, numerical data, or text
  • input connector: entry point for data into DeepDetect. Specialized versions handle different data types (e.g. images, text, CSV, …)
  • model: repository that holds all the files necessary for building and usage of a statistical model such as a neural net
  • service: the central holder of models and connectors, living in memory and servicing the machine learning capabilities through the API. While the model can be held permanently on disk, a service is spawn around it and destroyed at will
  • mllib: the machine learning library used for operations, two are supported at the moment, Caffe, Caffe2, XGBoost, Dlib, NCNN and Tensorflow, more are on the way
  • training: the computational phase that uses a dataset to build a statistical model with predictive abilities on statistically relevant data
  • prediction: the computational phase that uses a trained statistical model in order to make a guess about one or more samples of data
  • output connector: the DeepDetect output, that supports templates so that the output can be easily customized by the user in order to fit in the final application

API Principles

The main idea behind the API is that it allows users to spawn Machine Learning services, each serving its own purpose, and to interact with them.

The REST API builds around four resources:

  • /info: yields the general information about the server and the services currently being active on it
  • /services: yields access to creation and destruction of Machine Learning services.
  • /train: controls the resources for the potentially long computational phase of building the statistical model from a dataset
  • /predict: takes data in, and uses a trained statistical model to make predictions over some properties of the data

Each of the resources are detailed below, along with their options and examples to be tested on the command line.


Get Server Information

curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/info"

> The above command returns JSON of the form:

from dd_client import DD

dd = DD('localhost')

> Result is a dict:

{u'status': {u'msg': u'OK', u'code': 200}, u'head': {u'services': [], u'commit': u'34b9db3dad8c91b165dbcd22d6116fdfe4d78761', u'version': u'0.1', u'method': u'/info', u'branch': u'master'}}

Returns general information about the deepdetect server, including the list of existing services.

HTTP Request

GET /info

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Optional Default Description
status bool yes false returns detailed information on every existing services (including training and current statistics)


Create, get information and delete machine learning services

Create a service

Create a service from a multilayer Neural Network template, taking input from a CSV for prediction over 9 classes with 3 layers.

curl -X PUT "http://localhost:8080/services/myserv" -d "{\"mllib\":\"caffe\",\"description\":\"example classification service\",\"type\":\"supervised\",\"parameters\":{\"input\":{\"connector\":\"csv\"},\"mllib\":{\"template\":\"mlp\",\"nclasses\":9,\"layers\":[512,512,512],\"activation\":\"prelu\"}},\"model\":{\"repository\":\"/home/me/models/example\"}}"

# If "/home/me/models/example" correctly exists, the output is

curl -X PUT "http://localhost:8080/services/myserv" -d "{\"mllib\":\"xgboost\",\"description\":\"example classification service\",\"type\":\"supervised\",\"parameters\":{\"input\":{\"connector\":\"csv\"},\"mllib\":{\"nclasses\":9}},\"model\":{\"repository\":\"/home/me/models/example\"}}"

from dd_client import DD

dd = DD('localhost')

description = 'example classification service'

layers = [512,512,512]
mllib = 'caffe'
model = {'templates':'../templates/caffe/','repository':'home/me/models/example'}
parameters_input = {'connector':'csv'}
parameters_mllib = {'template':'mlp','nclasses':9,'layers':layers,'activation':'prelu'}
parameters_output = {}

> returns:

{u'status': {u'msg': u'Created', u'code': 201}}

Creates a new machine learning service on the server.

HTTP Request

PUT /services/<service_name>

Query Parameters


Parameter Type Optional Default Description
mllib string No N/A Name of the Machine Learning library, from caffe, caffe2, xgboost, tsne and tensorflow
type string No supervised Machine Learning service type: supervised yields a series of metrics related to a supervised objective, or unsupervised, typically for state-space compression or accessing neural network’s inner layers.
description string yes empty Service description
model object No N/A Information for the statistical model to be built and/or used by the service
input object No N/A Input information for connecting to data
output object yes empty Output information
  • Model Object
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
repository string No N/A Repository for the statistical model files
templates string yes templates Repository for model templates
weights string yes empty Weights filename of a pre-trained network (e.g. for finetuning or resuming a net)
create_repository bool yes false Whether to create the model repository directory if it does not exist already
index_preload bool yes true Whether to preload a similarity search index, set to false for fast init


  • Input Object
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
connector string No N/A Either “image” or “csv”, defines the input data format
timeout int yes 6000 timeout on all predict calls for data retrieval

Image (image)

Parameter Type Optional Default Description
width int yes 227 Resize images to width (image only)
height int yes 227 Resize images to height (image only)
bw bool yes false Treat images as black & white
rgb bool yes false Use RGB images
histogram_equalization bool yes false Whether to equalize the image histogram
mean float yes 128 mean pixel value to be subtracted to input image
mean array of int yes N/A mean pixel value per channel to be subtracted to input image
std float yes 128 standard pixel value deviation to be applied to input image
scale float yes 1.0 Multiply value of each pixel by a factor. By default pixel values are between 0 and 255.
scale_min float yes 600 min scaling dim size
scale_max float yes 1000 max scaling dim size
segmentation bool yes false whether to setup an image connector for a segmentation task (caffe only)
multi_label bool yes false whether to setup a multi label image task (caffe only)
root_folder string yes false root folder for image data layer (i.e multi label image service for training with caffe)
ctc bool yes false whether using a sequence target, required for OCR tasks
unchanged_data bool yes false do not allow data modification (e.g. interpolation upon resizing, …). Useful for audio spectrogram as input images.
bbox bool yes false whether to setup an object detection model

CSV (csv)

Parameter Type Optional Default Description
label string no N/A Label column name
ignore array of string yes empty Array of column names to ignore
label_offset int yes 0 Negative offset (e.g. -1) so that labels range from 0 onward
separator string yes ’,’ Column separator character
quote string yes ’“’ Quote character in CSV file
id string yes empty Column name of the training examples identifier field, if any
scale bool yes false Whether to scale all values internally into uniform range
scale_type string yes “minmax” scaling type in “minmax”, “znorm”
categoricals array yes empty List of categorical variables
db bool yes false whether to gather data into a database, useful for very large datasets, allows treatment in constant-size memory

CSV Time-series (csvts)

Parameter Type Optional Default Description
label string no N/A Label column name
ignore array of string yes empty Array of column names to ignore
separator string yes ’,’ Column separator character
quote string yes ’“’ Quote character in CSV file
id string yes empty Column name of the training examples identifier field, if any
scale bool yes false Whether to scale all values
scale_type string yes “minmax” scaling type in “minmax” (scales into [-0.5,0.5]), “znorm”
db bool yes false whether to gather data into a database, useful for very large datasets, allows treatment in constant-size memory

Text (txt)

Parameter Type Optional Default Description
sentences bool yes false whether to turn every line into a document (requires dataset as file with one sentence per line in every class repository)
characters bool yes false character-level text processing, as opposed to word-based text processing
sequence int yes N/A for character-level text processing, the fixed length of each sample of text
read_forward bool yes false for character-level text processing, whether to read content from left to right
alphabet string yes abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 ,;.!?:‘“/\\ |_@#$%^&*~`+-=<>()[]{} for character-level text processing, the alphabet of recognized symbols
sparse bool yes false whether to use sparse features (and sparce computations with Caffe for huge memory savings, for xgboost use svm connector instead)
ordered_words bool yes false enable word-based processing with positionnal information, mandatory for bert/gpt2 like models
wordpiece_tokens bool yes false set to true if vocabulary contains partial words, ie like in bert/gpt2 models
punctuation_tokens bool yes false if true, treat each punctuation sign as a token; if false, punctuation is stripped from input
word_start string yes ”” in most gpt2 vocabularies, start of word has generally to be set to “Ġ”.
suffix_start string yes ”##” in bert-like vocabularies, suffixes are prefixed by ##

SVM (svm)

No parameters

See the section on Connectors for more details.

Machine learning libraries

  • Caffe
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
nclasses int no (classification only) N/A Number of output classes (supervised service type)
ntargets int no (regression only) N/A Number of regression targets
gpu bool yes false Whether to use GPU
gpuid int or array yes 0 GPU id, use single int for single GPU, -1 for using all GPUs, and array e.g. [1,3] for selecting among multiple GPUs
template string yes empty Neural network template, from lregression, mlp, convnet, alexnet, googlenet, nin, resnet_18, resnet_32, resnet_50, resnet_101, resnet_152
engine string yes DEFAULT CUDNN engine type : orginal CUDNN implementation may leak a lot of memory when loading unloading multiple models, especially when using group convolutions. CUDNN is caffe orginal implementation, it tries to parralize with many handles/stream, buts these handles are never fully released internally in cudnn, even after an explicit “release” call, hence the memory leak. CUDNN_SINGLE_HANDLE use only one handle/stream, which is much less leak prone. CUDNN_MIN_MEMORY explictly forces cudnn algorithm that do not require any external buffer allocation. CAFFE forces CPU implementation, and DEFAULT fallbacsk to CAFFE if CUDNN support was not enabled at compile time, or CUDNN_SINGLE_HANDLE if CUDNN support was compiled in.
layers array of int yes [50] Number of neurons per layer (mlp only)
layers array of string yes [1000] Type of layer and number of neurons peer layer: XCRY for X successive convolutional layers of Y filters and activation layers followed by a max pooling layer, an int as a string for specifying the final fully connected layers size, e.g. [“2CR32”,“2CR64”,“1000”] (convnet only)
activation string yes relu Unit activation (mlp and convnet only), from sigmoid,tanh,relu,prelu,elu
dropout real or array yes 0.5 Dropout rate between layers (templates, mlp and convnet only)
regression bool yes false Whether the network is a regressor (templates, mlp and convnet only)
autoencoder bool yes false Whether the network is an autoencoder (template mlp only)
crop_size int yes N/A Size of random image crops as input to the net (templates and convnet only)
rotate bool yes false Whether to apply random rotations to input images (templates and convnet only)
mirror bool yes false Whether to apply random mirroring of input images (templates and convnet only)
finetuning bool yes false Whether to prepare neural net template for finetuning (requires weights)
db bool yes false whether to set a database as input of neural net, useful for handling large datasets and training in constant-memory (requires mlp or convnet)
scaling_temperature real yes 1.0 sets the softmax temperature of an existing network (e.g. useful for model calibration)
loss string yes N/A Special network losses, from dice (direct IOU maximization), dice_multiclass (same as dice for torch backend, different implemtation for caffe backend), dice_weighted (dice augmented with inter-class weighting based on image stats), dice_weighted_batch (dice augmented with inter-class weighting based on batch stats) or dice_weighted_all (dice augmented with inter-class weighting based on running stats over all seen data), useful for image segmentation, and L1 or L2, useful for time-series via csvts connector
ssd_expand_prob float yes between 0 and 1, probability of expanding the image (to improve detection of small/very small objects)
ssd_max_expand_ratio float yes bbox zoom out ratio, e.g. 4.0
ssd_mining_type str yes N/A “HARD_EXAMPLE” or “MAX_NEGATIVE”
ssd_neg_pos_ratio float yes N/A ratio of negative sampled examples wrt positive examples (bbox), e.g. 3.0
ssd_neg_overlap float yes N/A max overlap of negative samples with positive samples (bbox), between 0 and 1, e.g. 0.5
ssd_keep_top_k float yes N/A keep k examples after nms has finished
ssd_overlap_threshold float yes 0.5 MAP-x threshold, default to 50% (0.5), takes values within ]0,1].

See the Model Templates section for more details.

Noise (images only):

Parameter Type Optional Default Description
prob double yes 0.0 Probability of each effect occurence
all_effects bool yes false Apply all effects below, randomly
decolorize bool yes N/A Whether to decolorize image
hist_eq bool yes N/A Whether to equalize histogram
inverse bool yes N/A Whether to inverse image
gauss_blur bool yes N/A Whether to apply Gaussian blur
posterize bool yes N/A Whether to posterize image
erode bool yes N/A Whether to erode image
saltpepper bool yes N/A Whether to apply salt & pepper effect to image
clahe bool yes N/A Whether to apply CLAHE
convert_to_hsv bool yes N/A Whether to convert to HSV
convert_to_lab bool yes N/A Whether to convert to LAB

Distort (images only):

Parameter Type Optional Default Description
prob double yes 0.0 Probability of each effect occurence
all_effects bool yes false Apply all effects below, randomly
brightness bool yes N/A Whether to distort image brightness
contrast bool yes N/A Whether to distort image contrast
saturation bool yes N/A Whether to distort image saturation
HUE bool yes N/A Whether to distort image HUE
random ordering bool yes N/A Whether to randomly reorder the image channels

Geometry (images only):

Parameter Type Optional Default Description
prob double yes 0.0 Probability of each effect occurence
all_effects bool yes false Apply all effects below, randomly
persp_horizontal bool yes true Whether to distort the perspective horizontally
persp_vertical bool yes true Whether to distort the perspective vertically
zoom_out bool yes true distance change, look further away
zoom_in bool yes true distance changee, look from closer by
zoom_factor float yes 0.25 0.25 means that image can be *1.25 or /1.25
persp_factor float yes 0.25 0.25 means that new image corners be in *1.25 or 0.75
pad_mode string yes mirrored filling around image, from mirrored / constant (black) / repeat_nearest
  • Caffe2
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
nclasses int no (classification only) N/A Number of output classes (supervised service type)
gpu bool yes false Whether to use GPU
gpuid int or array yes 0 GPU id, use single int for single GPU, -1 for using all GPUs, and array e.g. [1,3] for selecting among multiple GPUs
template string yes empty Neural network template (from lenet, alexnet, resnet_50)
mirror bool yes false Whether to apply random mirroring of input images (templates and convnet only)
finetuning bool yes false Whether to prepare neural net template for finetuning (requires weights)
  • XGBoost
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
nclasses int no (classification only) N/A Number of output classes (supervised service type)
ntargets int no (regression only) N/A Number of regression targets (only 1 supported by XGBoost)
regression bool yes false Whether to train a regressor
  • Tensorflow
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
nclasses int no (classification only) N/A Number of output classes (supervised service type)
inputlayer string yes auto network input layer name
outputlayer string yes auto network output layer name
  • NCNN
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
inputblob string yes data network input blob name
outputblob string yes depends on network type (ie prob or rnn_pred or probs or detection_out) network output blob name
  • TensorRT
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
tensorRTEngineFile string yes “TRTengine” prefix of filename of TRT compiled model (complete name defaults to “TRTengine_bs48”)
readEngine bool yes true if a compiled model file with corresponding prefix, whatever batch size exists in repo, use it instead of recompiling a TRT model
writeEngine bool yes true if a new TRT model was compiled, write it to disk
maxWorkspaceSize int yes 1024 max memory (in MB) usable by TRT during model compilation. Usefull mainly on nano : 1024 is 1GB and may cause dede to be sigkilled if not enough memory. 256 allows to limit memory consumption and create low batchsize nets.
maxBatchSize int yes 48 maximum batch size processable by TRT compiled model. If a precompiled engine starting with tensorRTEngineFile name is present and readEngine is set to true , this previous engine is used, overriding this option.
dla int true -1 id of DLA to use, if available on your hardware
datatype string true “fp32” datatype inside compiled TRT model (available : “fp32”, “fp16” (also known as half), “int8”. “int8” is strongly discouraged at the moment as it has not been tested and needs a special procedure to calibrate quantization based on precise final task and representative data.
  • Output Object
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
measure array of string yes depending on problem type measure to use at test time
Problem type Default Possible values Description
timeserie L1 L1, L2, mase, mape, smape, mase, owa, mae, mse; L1_all, L2_all, mase_all, mape_all, smape_all, mase_all, owa_all, mae_all, mse_all L1: mean error, L2: mean squared error, mase : mean absolute scaled error, mape: mean absolute percentage error, smape: symetric mean absolute percentage error, owa: overall weighted average, mae: mean absolute error, mse: mean squarred error; ; versions with “_all” also show metrics per dimension/serie, and not only average.

Get information on a service

curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/services/myserv"

> Assuming the service 'myserv' was previously created, yields

	     "description":"example classification service",

from dd_client import DD

dd = DD('localhost')


> returns:

{u'status': {u'msg': u'OK', u'code': 200}, u'body': {u'jobs': {}, u'mllib': u'caffe', u'name': u'myserv', u'description': u'example classification service'}}

Returns information on an existing service

HTTP Request

GET /services/myserv

Query Parameters


Delete a service

curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:8080/services/myserv?clear=full"

> Yields


from dd_client import DD

dd = DD('localhost')


HTTP Request

DELETE /services/myserv

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Optional Default Description
clear string yes mem full, lib, mem, dir or index. full clears the model and service repository, lib removes model files only according to the behavior specified by the service’s ML library, mem removes the service from memory without affecting the files, dir removes the whole directory, index removes the index when using similarity search.


Trains a statistical model from a dataset, the model can be further used for prediction

The DeepDetect server supports both blocking and asynchronous training calls. Training is often a very computational operation that can last for days in some cases.

Blocking calls block the communication with the server, and returns results once completed. They are not well suited to most machine learning tasks.

Asynchronous calls run the training in the background as a separate thread (PUT /train). Status of the training job can be consulted live with by calling on the server (GET /train). The final report on an asynchronous training job is consumed by the first GET /train call after completion of the job. After that, the job is definitely destroyed.

⚠️ Asynchronous training calls are the default, use of blocking calls is useful for testing and debugging
⚠️ The current integration of the Caffe back-end for deep learning does not allow making predictions while training. However, two different services can train and predict at the same time.

Launch a training job

Blocking train call from CSV dataset

curl -X POST "" -d "{\"service\":\"myserv\",\"async\":false,\"parameters\":{\"mllib\":{\"gpu\":true,\"solver\":{\"iterations\":300,\"test_interval\":100},\"net\":{\"batch_size\":5000}},\"input\":{\"label\":\"target\",\"id\":\"id\",\"separator\":\",\",\"shuffle\":true,\"test_split\":0.15,\"scale\":true},\"output\":{\"measure\":[\"acc\",\"mcll\"]}},\"data\":[\"/home/me/example/train.csv\"]}"


from dd_client import DD

dd = DD('localhost')

parameters_input = {'label':'target','id':'id','separator':',','shuffle':True,'test_split':0.5,'scale':True}
parameters_mllib = {'gpu':True,'solver':{'iterations':300,'test_iterval':100},'net':{'batch_size':5000}}
parameters_output = {'measure':['acc','mcll']}
train_data = ['/home/me/example/train.csv/']


Asynchronous train call from CSV dataset

curl -X POST "" -d "{\"service\":\"myserv\",\"async\":true,\"parameters\":{\"mllib\":{\"gpu\":true,\"solver\":{\"iterations\":100000,\"test_interval\":1000},\"net\":{\"batch_size\":512}},\"input\":{\"label\":\"target\",\"id\":\"id\",\"separator\":\",\",\"shuffle\":true,\"test_split\":0.15,\"scale\":true},\"output\":{\"measure\":[\"acc\",\"mcll\"]}},\"data\":[\"/home/me/models/example/train.csv\"]}"

curl -X POST "" -d "{\"service\":\"myserv\",\"async\":true,\"parameters\":{\"mllib\":{\"objective\":\"multi:softprob\",\"booster_params\":{\"max_depth\":10}},\"input\":{\"label\":\"target\",\"id\":\"id\",\"separator\":\",\",\"shuffle\":true,\"test_split\":0.15,\"scale\":true},\"output\":{\"measure\":[\"acc\",\"mcll\"]}},\"data\":[\"/home/me/models/example/train.csv\"]}"

from dd_client import DD

dd = DD('localhost')

parameters_input = {'label':'target','id':'id','separator':',','shuffle':True,'test_split':0.5,'scale':True}
parameters_mllib = {'gpu':True,'solver':{'iterations':300,'test_iterval':100},'net':{'batch_size':5000}}
parameters_output = {'measure':['acc','mcll']}
train_data = ['/home/me/example/train.csv/']


Requesting the status of an asynchronous training job:

curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/train?service=myserv&job=1"

from dd_client import DD

dd = DD('localhost')


Launches a blocking or asynchronous training job from a service

HTTP Request

PUT or POST /train

Query Parameters


Parameter Type Optional Default Description
service string No N/A service resource identifier
async bool No true whether to start a non-blocking training call
data object yes empty input dataset for training, in some cases can be handled by the input connectors, in general non optional though

Input Connectors

  • Image (image)
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
width int yes 227 Resize images to width (image only)
height int yes 227 Resize images to height (image only)
bw bool yes false Treat images as black & white (Caffe only)
rgb bool yes false Use RGB images
histogram_equalization bool yes false Whether to equalize the image histogram
mean float yes 128 mean pixel value to be subtracted to input image
mean array of int yes N/A mean pixel value per channel to be subtracted to input image
std float yes 128 standard pixel value deviation to be applied to input image
scale float yes 1.0 Multiply value of each pixel by a factor. By default pixel values are between 0 and 255.
scale_min float yes 600 min scaling dim size
scale_max float yes 1000 max scaling dim size
test_split real yes 0 Test split part of the dataset
shuffle bool yes false Whether to shuffle the training set (prior to splitting)
seed int yes -1 Shuffling seed for reproducible results (-1 for random seeding)
segmentation bool yes false whether to setup an image connector for a segmentation training job
bbox bool yes false whether to setup an image connector for an object detection training job
db_width int yes 0 in database image width (object detection only)
db_height int yes 0 in database image height (object detection only)
align bool yes false for ocr tasks only, align width on highest dimension
scale_min int yes N/A image auto min scaling
scale_max int yes N/A image auto max scaling
  • CSV (csv)
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
label string no N/A Label column name
ignore array of string yes empty Array of column names to ignore
label_offset int yes 0 Negative offset (e.g. -1) s othat labels range from 0 onward
separator string yes ’,’ Column separator character
quote string yes ’“’ Quote character in CSV file
id string yes empty Column name of the training examples identifier field, if any
scale bool yes false Whether to scale all values into [0,1]
min_vals,max_vals array yes empty Instead of scale, provide the scaling parameters, as returned from a training call
categoricals array yes empty List of categorical variables
categoricals_mapping object yes empty Categorical mappings, as returned from a training call
db bool yes false whether to gather data into a database, useful for very large datasets, allows training in constant-size memory
test_split real yes 0 Test split part of the dataset
shuffle bool yes false Whether to shuffle the training set (prior to splitting)
seed int yes -1 Shuffling seed for reproducible results (-1 for random seeding)
  • CSV Time-series (csvts)
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
label string no N/A Label column name
ignore array of string yes empty Array of column names to ignore
label_offset int yes 0 Negative offset (e.g. -1) s othat labels range from 0 onward
separator string yes ’,’ Column separator character
quote string yes ’“’ Quote character in CSV file
id string yes empty Column name of the training examples identifier field, if any
scale bool yes false Whether to scale all values into [0,1]
min_vals,max_vals array yes empty Instead of scale, provide the scaling parameters, as returned from a training call
db bool yes false whether to gather data into a database, useful for very large datasets, allows training in constant-size memory
test_split real yes 0 Test split part of the dataset
shuffle bool yes false Whether to shuffle the training set (prior to splitting)
seed int yes -1 Shuffling seed for reproducible results (-1 for random seeding)
  • Text (txt)
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
count int yes true whether to count words and report counters
min_count int yes 5 min word count occurences for a word to be taken into account
min_word_length int yes 5 min word length for a word to be taken into account
tfidf bool yes false whether to compute TF/IDF for every word
sentences bool yes false whether to turn every line into a document (requires dataset as file with one sentence per line in every class repository)
characters bool yes false character-level text processing, as opposed to word-based text processing
sequence int yes N/A for character-level text processing, the fixed length of each sample of text
read_forward bool yes false for character-level text processing, whether to read content from left to right
alphabet string yes abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 ,;.!?:‘“/\\ |_@#$%^&*~`+-=<>()[]{} for character-level text processing, the alphabet of recognized symbols
test_split real yes 0 Test split part of the dataset
shuffle bool yes false Whether to shuffle the training set (prior to splitting)
seed int yes -1 Shuffling seed for reproducible results (-1 for random seeding)
db bool yes false whether to gather data into a database, useful for very large datasets, allows training in constant-size memory
sparse bool yes false whether to use sparse features (and sparce computations with Caffe for huge memory savings, for xgboost use svm connector instead)
embedding bool yes false whether to use an embedding as input to the network (replaces one-hot vectors with straight indices)
ordered_words bool yes false enable word-based processing with positionnal information, mandatory for bert/gpt2 like models
wordpiece_tokens bool yes false set to true if vocabulary contains partial words, ie like in bert/gpt2 models
punctuation_tokens bool yes false if true, treat each punctuation sign as a token; if false, punctuation is stripped from input
word_start string yes ”” in most gpt2 vocabularies, start of word has generally to be set to “Ġ”.
suffix_start string yes ”##” in most bert-like vocabularies, suffixes are prefixed by ##
  • SVM (svm)

No parameters

Output connector

Parameter Type Optional Default Description
best int yes 1 Number of top predictions returned by data URI (supervised)
measure array yes empty Output measures requested, from acc: accuracy, acc-k: top-k accuracy, replace k with number (e.g. acc-5), f1: f1, precision and recall, mcll: multi-class log loss, auc: area under the curve, cmdiag: diagonal of confusion matrix (requires f1), cmfull: full confusion matrix (requires f1), mcc: Matthews correlation coefficient, eucll: euclidean distance (e.g. for regression tasks),l1: l1 distance (e.g. for regression tasks), percent: mean relative error in percent, kl: KL_divergence, js: JS divergence, was: Wasserstein, ks: Kolmogorov Smirnov, dc: distance correlation, r2: R2, deltas: delta scores, ‘raw’: ouput raw results, in case of predict call, this requires a special deploy.prototxt that is a test network (to have ground truth)
target_repository string yes empty target directory to which to copy the best model files once training has completed

Machine learning libraries

  • Caffe


Parameter Type Optional Default Description
gpu bool yes false Whether to use GPU
gpuid int or array yes 0 GPU id, use single int for single GPU, -1 for using all GPUs, and array e.g. [1,3] for selecting among multiple GPUs
resume bool yes false Whether to resume training from .solverstate and .caffemodel files
class_weights array of float yes 1.0 everywhere Whether to weight some classes more / less than others, e.g. [1.0,0.1,1.0]
ignore_label int yes N/A A single label to be ignored by the loss (i.e. no gradients)
timesteps int yes N/A Number of timesteps for recurrence (‘csvts’, ctc OCR) models (in case of csvts, used only at train time)
offset int yes N/A Offset beween start point of sequences with connector cvsts, defining the overlap of input series. For [0, n] steps a timestep of t and an offset of k, series [0..t-1], [k..t+k-1], [2k, 2k+t-1] … will be cosntructed. If some elements at the end could not be taken using this, it will add a final [n-t+1..n] sequence (used only at train time).


Parameter Type Optional Default Description
iterations int yes N/A Max number of solver’s iterations
snapshot int yes N/A Iterations between model snapshots
snapshot_prefix string yes empty Prefix to snapshot file, supports repository
solver_type string yes SGD from “SGD”, “ADAGRAD”, “NESTEROV”, “RMSPROP”, “ADADELTA”, “ADAM”, “AMSGRAD”, “RANGER”, “RANGER_PLUS”, “ADAMW”, “SGDW”, “AMSGRADW” (*W version for decoupled weight decay, RANGER_PLUS is ranger + adabelief + centralized_gradient)
clip bool yes false (true if RANGER* selected) gradients with absolute value greater than clip_value will be clipped to below values
clip_value real yes 5.0 gradients with absolute value greater than clip_value will be clipped to this value
clip_norm real yes 100.0 gradients with euclidean norm greater than clip_norm will be clipped to this value
rectified bool yes false rectified momentum variance ie valid for ADAM[W] and AMSGRAD[W]
adabelief bool yes false adabelief mod for ADAM
gradient_centralization bool yes false centralized gradient mod for ADAM ie
adamp bool yes false enable ADAMP version
test_interval int yes N/A Number of iterations between testing phases
test_initialization bool true N/A Whether to start training by testing the network
lr_policy string yes N/A learning rate policy (“step”, “inv”, “fixed”, “sgdr”, …)
base_lr real yes N/A Initial learning rate
warmup_lr real yes N/A warmup starting learning rate (linearly goes to base_lr)
warmup_iter int yes 0 number of warmup iterations
gamma real yes N/A Learning rate drop factor
stepsize int yes N/A Number of iterations between the dropping of the learning rate
stepvalue array of int yes N/A Iterations at which a learning rate change takes place, with multistep lr_policy
momentum real yes N/A Learning momentum
period int yes -1 N/A
ncycles int yes 1 Number of restart cycles with SGDR
weight_decay real yes N/A Weight decay
power real yes N/A Power applicable to some learning rate policies
iter_size int yes 1 Number of passes (iter_size * batch_size) at every iteration
rand_skip int yes 0 Max number of images to skip when resuming training (only with segmentation or multilabel and Caffe backend)
lookahead bool yes false weither to use lookahead strategy from
lookahead_steps int yes 6 number of lookahead steps for lookahead strategy
lookahead_alpha real yes 0.5 size of step towards full lookahead
decoupled_wd_periods int yes 4 number of search periods for SGDW ADAMW AMSGRADW (periods end with a restart)
decoupled_wd_mult real yes 2.0 muliplier of period for SGDW ADAMW AMSGRADW
lr_dropout real yes 1.0 learning rate dropout, as in 1.0 means no dropout, 0.0 means no learning at all (this value is the probability of keeping computed value and not putting zero)

Note: most of the default values for the parameters above are to be found in the Caffe files describing a given neural network architecture, or within Caffe library, therefore regarded as N/A at DeepDetect level.


Parameter Type Optional Default Description
batch_size int yes N/A Training batch size
test_batch_size int yes N/A Testing batch size
  • Torch


Parameter Type Optional Default Description
gpu bool yes false whether to use gpu
gpuid int or array yes 0 GPU id, use single int for single GPU, -1 for using all GPUs, and array e.g. [1,3] for selecting among multiple GPUs
nclasses int yes none if set to some int, add a classifier (linear/fullyConnected) with corresponding number of classes after torch traced model
ntargets int no (regression only) N/A Number of regression targets
self_supervised string yes ”” self-supervised mode: “mask” for masked language model
embedding_size int yes 768 embedding size for NLP models
freeze_traced bool yes false Freeze the traced part of the net during finetuning (e.g. for classification)
retain_graph bool yes false Whether to use retain_graph with torch autograd
template string yes ”” e.g. “bert”, “gpt2”, “recurrent”, “nbeats”, “vit”, “visformer”, “ttransformer”, “resnet50”, … All templates are listed in the Model Templates section.
template_params dict yes template dependent Model parameter for templates. All parameters are listed in the Model Templates section.
regression bool yes false Whether the model is a regressor
timesteps int yes N/A Number of timesteps for time models (LSTM/NBEATS…) : this sets the length of sequences that will be given for learning, every timestep contains inputs and outputs as defined by the csv/csvts connector
offset int yes N/A Offset beween start point of sequences with connector cvsts, defining the overlap of input series
forecast_timesteps int yes N/A for nbeats model, this gives the length of the forecast
backcast_timesteps int yes N/A for nbeats model, this gives the length of the backcast
datatype string yes fp32 Datatype used at prediction time, possible values are “fp16” (only if inference is done on GPU) , “fp32” and “fp64” (double)
dataloader_threads int yes 1 How many threads should be used to load data. 0 means no prefetch.


Parameter Type Optional Default Description
iterations int yes N/A Max number of solver’s iterations
snapshot int yes N/A Iterations between model snapshots
solver_type string yes SGD from “SGD”, “ADAGRAD”, “RMSPROP”, “ADAM”, “RANGER”, “RANGER_PLUS”, “MADGRAD”
beta1 real yes 0.9 for RANGER* : beta1 param
beta2 real yes 0.999 for RANGER* : beta2 param
weight_decay real yes 0.0 for RANGER* : weight decay
rectified bool yes true for RANGER* : enable/disable rectified ADAM
lookahead bool yes true for RANGER* and MADGRAD : enable/disable lookahead
lookahead_steps int yes 6 for RANGER* and MADGRAD : if lookahead enabled, number of steps
lookahead_alpha real yes 0.5 for RANGER* and MADGRAD : if lookahead enables, alpha param
adabelief bool yes false for RANGER, true for RANGER_PLUS for RANGER* : enable/disable adabelief
gradient_centralization bool yes false for RANGER, true for RANGER_PLUS for RANGER* : enable/disable gradient centralization
sam bool yes false Sharpness Aware Minimization (
sam_rho real yes 0.05 neighborhood size for SAM (see above)
swa bool yes false SWA , implemented only for RANGER / RANGER_PLUS / MADGRAD solver types.
test_interval int yes N/A Number of iterations between testing phases
base_lr real yes N/A Initial learning rate
iter_size int yes 1 Number of passes (iter_size * batch_size) at every iteration
resume bool yes false Whether to resume training from solver state


Parameter Type Optional Default Description
batch_size int yes N/A Training batch size
test_batch_size int yes N/A Testing batch size
  • Caffe2


Parameter Type Optional Default Description
gpu bool yes false Whether to use GPU
gpuid int or array yes 0 GPU id, use single int for single GPU, -1 for using all GPUs, and array e.g. [1,3] for selecting among multiple GPUs
resume bool yes false Whether to resume training from .solverstate and .caffemodel files


Parameter Type Optional Default Description
iterations int yes N/A Max number of solver’s iterations
snapshot int yes N/A Iterations between model snapshots
solver_type string yes SGD from “SGD”, “ADAGRAD”, “NESTEROV”, “RMSPROP”, “ADADELTA”, “ADAM” and “AMSGRAD”
test_interval int yes N/A Number of iterations between testing phases
lr_policy string yes N/A learning rate policy (“step”, “inv”, “fixed”, “sgdr”, …)
base_lr real yes N/A Initial learning rate
gamma real yes N/A Learning rate drop factor
stepsize int yes N/A Number of iterations between the dropping of the learning rate
momentum real yes N/A Learning momentum
power real yes N/A Power applicable to some learning rate policies


Parameter Type Optional Default Description
batch_size int yes N/A Training batch size
test_batch_size int yes N/A Testing batch size
  • XGBoost


Parameter Type Optional Default Description
objective string yes multi:softprob objective function, among multi:softprob, binary:logistic, reg:linear, reg:logistic
booster string yes gbtree which booster to use, gbtree or gblinear
num_feature int yes set by xgbbost maximum dimension of the feature
eval_metric string yes according to objective evaluation metric internal to xgboost
base_score double yes 0.5 initial prediction score, global bias
seed int yes 0 random number seed
iterations int no N/A number of boosting iterations
test_interval int yes 1 number of iterations between each testing pass
save_period int yes 0 number of iterations between model saving to disk


Parameter Type Optional Default Description
eta double yes 0.3 step size shrinkage
gamma double yes 0 minimum loss reduction
max_depth int yes 6 maximum depth of a tree
min_child_weight int yes 1 minimum sum of instance weight
max_delta_step int yes 0 maximum delta step
subsample double yes 1.0 subsample ratio of traning instance
colsample double yes 1.0 subsample ratio of columns when contructing each tree
lambda double yes 1.0 L2 regularization term on weights
alpha double yes 0.0 L1 regularization term on weights
lambda_bias double yes 0.0 L2 regularization for linear booster
tree_method string yes auto tree construction algorithm, from auto, exact, approx
scale_pos_weight double yes 1.0 control the balance of positive and negative weights

For more details on all XGBoost parameters see the dedicated page at

  • Tensorflow

Not implemented, see Predict

  • TSNE
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
perplexity int yes 30 perplexity is related to the number of nearest neighbors used to learn the manifold
iterations int yes 5000 number of optimization iterations

Get information on a training job

Requesting the status of an asynchronous training job:

curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/train?service=myserv&job=1"

from dd_client import DD

dd = DD('localhost')


Returns information on a training job running asynchronously

HTTP Request

GET /train

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Optional Default Description
service string no N/A name of the service the training job is running on
job int no N/A job identifier
timeout int yes 0 timeout before the status is obtained
parameters.output.measure_hist bool yes false whether to return the full measure history until current point, useful for plotting
parameters.output.max_hist_points int yes 10000 max number of measure history points (subsampled from history)

Delete a training job

curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:8080/train?service=myserv&job=1"

from dd_client import DD

dd = DD('localhost')


Kills a training job running asynchronously

HTTP Request

DELETE /train

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Optional Default Description
service string no N/A name of the service the training job is running on
job int no N/A job identifier


Makes predictions from data out of an existing statistical model. If measure is specified, the prediction expects a supervised dataset and produces accuracy measures as output, otherwise it is prediction for every of the input samples.

Prediction from service

Prediction from image URL:

curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/predict" -d "{\"service\":\"imageserv\",\"parameters\":{\"input\":{\"width\":224,\"height\":224},\"output\":{\"best\":3}},\"data\":[\"\"]}"

{"status":{"code":200,"msg":"OK"},"head":{"method":"/predict","time":1591.0,"service":"imageserv"},"body":{"predictions":{"uri":"","loss":0.0,"classes":[{"prob":0.24278657138347627,"cat":"n03868863 oxygen mask"},{"prob":0.20703653991222382,"cat":"n03127747 crash helmet"},{"prob":0.07931024581193924,"cat":"n03379051 football helmet"}]}}}
from dd_client import DD

dd = DD('localhost')

data = ['']
parameters_input = {'width':224,'height':224}
parameters_mllib = {'gpu':False}
parameters_output = {'best':3}

predict_output = dd.post_predict('myserv',data,parameters_input,parameters_mllib,parameters_output)

Prediction from CSV file:

curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/predict" -d "{\"service\":\"covert\",\"parameters\":{\"input\":{\"id\":\"Id\",\"separator\":\",\",\"scale\":true}},\"data\":[\"models/covert/test10.csv\"]}"


Prediction over test set, with output metrics

curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8080/predict' -d '{"service":"n20","parameters":{"mllib":{"gpu":true},"output":{"measure":["f1"]}},"data":["/path/to/news20/"]}'

from dd_client import DD

dd = DD('localhost')

data = ['models/covert/test10.csv']
parameters_input = {'id':'id','separator':',',scale:True}
parameters_mllib = {'gpu':True}
parameters_output = {}

predict_output = dd.post_predict('covert',data,parameters_input,parameters_mllib,parameters_output)

Make predictions from data

HTTP Request

POST /predict

Query Parameters


Parameter Type Optional Default Description
service string no N/A name of the service to make predictions from
data array of strings no N/A array of data URI over which to make predictions, supports base64 for images

Input Connectors

Note: it is good practice to configure the input connector at service creation, and then leave it’s parameters empty at predict time.

Parameter Type Optional Default Description
timeout int yes 6000 timeout on predict call for data retrieval
  • Image (image)
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
width int yes 227 Resize images to width (image only)
height int yes 227 Resize images to height (image only)
crop_width int yes 0 Center crop images to width (image only)
crop_height int yes 0 Center crop images to height (image only)
bw bool yes false Treat images as black & white (Caffe only)
mean float yes 128 mean pixel value to be subtracted to input image (tensorflow only)
mean array of int yes N/A mean pixel value per channel to be subtracted to input image (caffe only)
std float yes 128 standard pixel value deviation to be applied to input image (tensorflow only)
segmentation yes yes false whether a segmentation service
interp string yes cubic Image interpolation method (cubic, linear, nearest, lanczos4, area)
cuda bool yes false Whether to use CUDA to resize images (use USE_CUDA_CV=ON build flag)
  • CSV (csv)
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
ignore array of string yes empty Array of column names to ignore
separator string yes ’,’ Column separator character
quote string yes ’“’ Quote character in CSV file
id string yes empty Column name of the training examples identifier field, if any
scale bool yes false Whether to scale all values into [0,1]
min_vals,max_vals array yes empty Instead of scale, provide the scaling parameters, as returned from a training call
categoricals_mapping object yes empty Categorical mappings, as returned from a training call
  • Text (txt)
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
count int yes true whether to count words and report counters
min_count int yes 5 min word count occurences for a word to be taken into account
min_word_length int yes 5 min word length for a word to be taken into account
tfidf bool yes false whether to compute TF/IDF for every word
sentences bool yes false whether to turn every line into a document (requires dataset as file with one sentence per line in every class repository)
characters bool yes false character-level text processing, as opposed to word-based text processing
sequence int yes N/A for character-level text processing, the fixed length of each sample of text
read_forward bool yes false for character-level text processing, whether to read content from left to right
alphabet string yes abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 ,;.!?:‘“/\\ |_@#$%^&*~`+-=<>()[]{} for character-level text processing, the alphabet of recognized symbols
sparse bool yes false whether to use sparse features (and sparce computations with Caffe for huge memory savings, for xgboost use svm connector instead)
  • SVM (svm)

No parameters


Parameter Type Optional Default Description
best int yes 1 Number of top predictions returned by data URI (supervised)
template string yes empty Output template in Mustache format
network object yes empty Output network parameters for pushing the output into another listening software
measure array yes empty Output measures requested, from acc: accuracy, acc-k: top-k accuracy, replace k with number (e.g. acc-5), f1: f1, precision and recall, mcll: multi-class log loss, auc: area under the curve, cmdiag: diagonal of confusion matrix (requires f1), cmfull: full confusion matrix (requires f1), mcc: Matthews correlation coefficient
confidence_threshold double yes 0.0 only returns classifications or detections with probability strictly above threshold
bbox bool yes false returns bounding boxes around object when using an object detection model, such that (xmin,ymax) yields the top left corner and (xmax,ymin) the lower right corner of a box.
best_bbox int yes -1 if > 0, returns only the best_bbox with highest confidence
regression bool yes false whether the output of a model is a regression target (i.e. vector of one or more floats)
rois string yes empty set the ROI layer from which to extract the features from bounding boxes. Both the boxes and features ar returned when using an object detection model with ROI pooling layer
index bool yes false whether to index the output from prediction, for similarity search
build_index bool yes false whether to build similarity index after prediction, no more indexing can be done afterward
search bool yes false whether to use the predicted output for similarity search and return pre-indexed nearest neighbors
search_nn int yes 10 number of similarity search results
multibox_rois bool yes false aggregates bounding boxes ROIs features (requires rois) for image similarity search
index_type string yes Flat for faiss index indexing backend only : a FAISS index factory string , see
index_gpu bool yes false for faiss indexing backend only : if available, build idnex on GPU
index_gpuid int yes all for faiss indexing backend only : which gpu to use if index_gpu is true
train_samples int yes 100000 for faiss indexing backend only : number of samples to use for training index. Larger values lead to better indexes (more evenly distributed) but cause much larger index training time. Many indexes need a minimal value depending on the number of clusters built, see
ondisk bool yes true for faiss indexing backend only : try to directly build indexes on mmaped files (IVF index_types only can do so)
nprobe int yes max(ninvertedlist/50,2) for faiss indexing backend only : number of cluster searched for closest images: for highly compressing indexes, setting nprobe to larger values may allow better precision
ctc bool yes false whether the output is a sequence (using CTC encoding)
confidences array yes empty Segmentation only: output confidence maps for “best” class, “all” classes, or classes being specified by number, e.g. “1”,“3”.
logits_blob string yes ”” in classification services, this add raw logits to output. Usefull for calibration purposes
logits bool yes False in detection services, this add logits to output. Usefull for calibration purposes.
  • Network object
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
url string no N/A URL of the remote service to connect to (e.g http://localhost:9200)
http_method string yes POST HTTP connecting method, from “POST”, “PUT”, etc…
content_type string yes Content-Type: application/json Content type HTTP header string

The variables that are usable in the output template format are those from the standard JSON output. See the output template dedicated section for more details and examples.

Machine learning libraries

  • Caffe / Caffe2
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
gpu bool yes false Whether to use GPU
gpuid int or array yes 0 GPU id, use single int for single GPU, -1 for using all GPUs, and array e.g. [1,3] for selecting among multiple GPUs
extract_layer string yes false name of the neural net’s inner layer to return as output. Requires the service to be declared as ‘unsupervised’


Parameter Type Optional Default Description
test_batch_size int yes N/A Prediction batch size (the server iterates as many batches as necessary to predict over all posted data)
  • Torch
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
gpu bool yes false Whether to use GPU
gpuid int or array yes 0 GPU id, use single int for single GPU, -1 for using all GPUs, and array e.g. [1,3] for selecting among multiple GPUs
extract_layer string yes ”” Returns tensor values from intermediate layers. In bert models “hidden_state” allows to extract raw hidden_states values to return as output. If set to ‘last’, simply returns the tensor values from last layer.
forward_method string yes ”” Executes a custom function from within a traced/JIT model, instead of the standard forward()
multi_label bool yes false Model outputs an independent score for each class
concurrent_predict bool yes true Enable/disable concurrent predict for the model
  • XGBoost

No parameter required.

  • Tensorflow
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
test_batch_size int yes N/A Prediction batch size (the server iterates as many batches as necessary to predict over all posted data)
inputlayer string yes auto network input layer name
outputlayer string yes auto network output layer name
extract_layer string yes false name of the neural net’s inner layer to return as output. Requires the service to be declared as ‘unsupervised’ (subsumes outputlayer in an unsupervised service)
  • NCNN
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
inputblob string yes data network input blob name
outputblob string yes depends on network type (ie prob or rnn_pred or probs or detection_out) network output blob name


The DeepDetect API supports the control of input and output connectors.

  • input connectors are parametrized with the input JSON object

input connector:


  • output connectors are parametrized with the output JSON object

output connector:


⚠️ Connectors are defined at service creation but their options can be modified in `train` and `predict` calls as needed.

Input connectors

The connector field defines its type:

  • image instantiates the image input connector
  • csv instantiates the input connector for CSV files
  • txt instantiates the input connector for text files

Input connectors work almost the same during both the training and prediction phases. But the training phase usually deals with large masses of data, and therefore the connectors above are optimized to automate some tasks, typically building and preprocessing the dataset at training time.

Below is a summary of input connectors options, though they are all already defined in each API resource and call documentation.

  • Image (image)
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
width int yes 227 Resize images to width (“image” only)
height int yes 227 Resize images to height (“image” only)
bw bool yes false Treat images as black & white
test_split real yes 0 Test split part of the dataset
shuffle bool yes false Whether to shuffle the training set (prior to splitting)
seed int yes -1 Shuffling seed for reproducible results (-1 for random seeding)
  • CSV (csv)
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
label string no N/A Label column name
ignore array of string yes empty Array of column names to ignore
label_offset int yes 0 Negative offset (e.g. -1) s othat labels range from 0 onward
separator string yes ’,’ Column separator character
quote string yes ’“’ Quote character in CSV file
id string yes empty Column name of the training examples identifier field, if any
scale bool yes false Whether to scale all values into [0,1]
min_vals,max_vals array yes empty Instead of scale, provide the scaling parameters, as returned from a training call
categoricals array yes empty List of categorical variables
categoricals_mapping object yes empty Categorical mappings, as returned from a training call
test_split real yes 0 Test split part of the dataset
shuffle bool yes false Whether to shuffle the training set (prior to splitting)
seed int yes -1 Shuffling seed for reproducible results (-1 for random seeding)
db bool yes false whether to gather data into a database, useful for very large datasets, allows training in constant-size memory
  • Text (txt)
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
count int yes true whether to count words and report counters
min_count int yes 5 min word count occurences for a word to be taken into account
min_word_length int yes 5 min word length for a word to be taken into account
tfidf bool yes false whether to compute TF/IDF for every word
sentences bool yes false whether to turn every line into a document (requires dataset as file with one sentence per line in every class repository)
characters bool yes false character-level text processing, as opposed to word-based text processing
sequence int yes N/A for character-level text processing, the fixed length of each sample of text
read_forward bool yes false for character-level text processing, whether to read content from left to right
alphabet string yes abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 ,;.!?:‘“/\\ |_@#$%^&*~`+-=<>()[]{} for character-level text processing, the alphabet of recognized symbols
test_split real yes 0 Test split part of the dataset
shuffle bool yes false Whether to shuffle the training set (prior to splitting)
seed int yes -1 Shuffling seed for reproducible results (-1 for random seeding)
db bool yes false whether to gather data into a database, useful for very large datasets, allows training in constant-size memory
sparse bool yes false whether to use sparse features (and sparce computations with Caffe for huge memory savings, for xgboost use svm connector instead)
  • SVM (svm)

No parameters

Output connectors

The output connector controls the output formats for supervised and unsupervised models.

Its two main features are the control of the number of predictions per URI, and the output templating, which allows for custom output and seamless integration in external applications. Other options modulates the output format.

Parameter Type Optional Default Description
best int yes 1 Number of top predictions returned by data URI (supervised)
measure array yes empty Output measures requested, from acc: accuracy, acc-k: top-k accuracy, replace k with number (e.g. acc-5), f1: f1, precision and recall, mcll: multi-class log loss, auc: area under the curve, cmdiag: diagonal of confusion matrix (requires f1), cmfull: full confusion matrix (requires f1), mcc: Matthews correlation coefficient
template string yes empty Output template in Mustache format
confidence_threshold double yes 0.0 only returns classifications or detections with probability strictly above threshold
bbox bool yes false returns bounding boxes around object when using an object detection model
regression bool yes false whether the output of a model is a regression target (i.e. vector of one or more floats)
rois string yes empty set the ROI layer from which to extract the features from bounding boxes. Both the boxes and features ar returned when using an object detection model with ROI pooling layer
index bool yes false whether to index the output from prediction, for similarity search
build_index bool yes false whether to build similarity index after prediction, no more indexing can be done afterward
search bool yes false whether to use the predicted output for similarity search and return pre-indexed nearest neighbors
search_nn int yes 10 number of similarity search results
multibox_rois bool yes false aggregates bounding boxes ROIs features (requires rois) for image similarity search
index_type string yes Flat for faiss index indexing backend only : a FAISS index factory string , see
index_gpu bool yes false for faiss indexing backend only : if available, build idnex on GPU
index_gpuid int yes all for faiss indexing backend only : which gpu to use if index_gpu is true
train_samples int yes 100000 for faiss indexing backend only : number of samples to use for training index. Larger values lead to better indexes (more evenly distributed) but cause much larger index training time. Many indexes need a minimal value depending on the number of clusters built, see
ondisk bool yes true for faiss indexing backend only : try to directly build indexes on mmaped files (IVF index_types only can do so)
nprobe int yes max(ninvertedlist/50,2) for faiss indexing backend only : number of cluster searched for closest images: for highly compressing indexes, setting nprobe to larger values may allow better precision
ctc bool yes false whether the output is a sequence (using CTC encoding)
confidences array yes empty Segmentation only: output confidence maps for “best” class, “all” classes, or classes being specified by number, e.g. “1”,“3”.
logits_blob string yes ”” in classification services, this add raw logits to output. Usefull for calibration purposes
logits bool yes False in detection services, this add logits to output. Usefull for calibration purposes.

The variables that are usable in the output template format are those from the standard JSON output. See the output template dedicated section for more details and examples.

Output Templates

example of a custom output template:


turn the standard JSON output of a predict call into a custom string output

curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/predict" -d "{\"service\":\"imageserv\",\"parameters\":{\"mllib\":{\"gpu\":true},\"input\":{\"width\":224,\"height\":224},\"output\":{\"best\":3,\"template\":\"status={{#status}}{{code}}{{/status}}\n{{#body}}{{#predictions}}*{{uri}}:\n{{#classes}}{{cat}}->{{prob}}\n{{/classes}}{{/predictions}}{{/body}}\"}},\"data\":[\"ambulance.jpg\"]}"


n02701002 ambulance->0.993358
n03977966 police van, police wagon, paddy wagon, patrol wagon, wagon, black Maria->0.00642457
n03769881 minibus->9.11523e-05

instead of:

{"status":{"code":200,"msg":"OK"},"head":{"method":"/predict","time":28.0,"service":"imageserv"},"body":{"predictions":{"uri":"ambulance.jpg","classes":[{"prob":0.993358314037323,"cat":"n02701002 ambulance"},{"prob":0.006424566265195608,"cat":"n03977966 police van, police wagon, paddy wagon, patrol wagon, wagon, black Maria"},{"prob":0.00009115227294387296,"cat":"n03769881 minibus"}]}}}

The DeepDetect server and API allow you to ease the connection to your applications through output templates. Output templates are an easy way to customize the output of the /predict calls. Take variables from the standard JSON output and reuse their values in the format of your choice.

Instead of decoding the standard JSON output of the DeepDetect server, the API allows to transmit output templates in the Mustache format. No more glue code, the server does the job for you! See examples below.

Parameter Type Optional Default Description
template string yes empty Output template in Mustache format
network object yes empty Output network parameters for pushing the output into another listening software
  • Network object
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
url string no N/A URL of the remote service to connect to (e.g http://localhost:9200)
http_method string yes POST HTTP connecting method, from “POST”, “PUT”, etc…
content_type string yes Content-Type: application/json Content type HTTP header string

Using Mustache, you can turn the JSON into anything, from XML to specialized formats, with application to indexing into search engines, post-processing, UI rendering, etc…

Model Templates

Example of a 3-layer MLP with 512 hidden units in each layer and PReLU activations:


Example of GoogleNet for 1000 classes of images:


The DeepDetect server and API come with a set of Machine Learning model templates.

At the moment templates are available for Caffe and Pytorch backends. They include some of the most powerful deep neural net architectures for image classification, and other customizable classic and useful architectures.

Neural network templates

All models below are used by passing their id to the mllib/template parameter in PUT /services calls:


Model ID Type Input Description
lregression linear CSV / Txt logistic regression
mlp neural net CSV / Txt multilayer perceptron, fully configurable from API, see parameters below
recurrent recurrent neural net CSV / CSVTS LSTM-based networks, fully configurable from API
convnet convolutional neural net Images convolutional neural net, with layers configurable from API, see parameters below
alexnet deep neural net Images 227x227 ‘AlexNet’, convolutional deep neural net, good accuracy, fast
cifar deep neural net Images 32x32 Convolutional deep neural net, very good for small images
nin deep neural net Images 224x224 ‘Network in Network’ convolutional deep neural net, good accuracy, very fast
googlenet deep neural net Images 224x224 ‘GoogleNet’, convolutional deep neural net, good accuracy
resnet_10 deep neural net Image 224x224 ‘ResNet’, 10-layers deep residual convolutional neural net, top accuracy
resnet_18 deep neural net Image 224x224 ‘ResNet’, 18-layers deep residual convolutional neural net, top accuracy
resnet_32 deep neural net Image 224x224 ‘ResNet’, 32-layers deep residual convolutional neural net, top accuracy
resnet_50 deep neural net Image 224x224 ‘ResNet’, 50-layers deep residual convolutional neural net, top accuracy
resnet_101 deep neural net Image 224x224 ‘ResNet’, 101-layers deep residual convolutional neural net, top accuracy
resnet_152 deep neural net Image 224x224 ‘ResNet’, 152-layers deep residual convolutional neural net, top accuracy
crnn deep neural net Images Convolutional network plus CTC head for OCR
crnn_resnet_18 deep neural net Images Convolutional network plus CTC head for OCR with ResNet-18 base
crnn_resnet_50 deep neural net Images Convolutional network plus CTC head for OCR with ResNet-50 base
crnn_resnext_50 deep neural net Images Convolutional network plus CTC head for OCR with ResNext-50 base
enet deep neural net Images Convolutional network for segmentation
mobilenet_v2 deep neural net Images Lightweight network for image classification
mobilenet_v2_ssd deep neural net Images Lightweight network for object detection
pspnet_50 deep neural net Images Convolutional network for segmentation with ResNet-50 base
pspnet_101 deep neural net Images Convolutional network for segmentation with ResNet-101 base
pspnet_vgg16 deep neural net Images Convolutional network for segmentation with VGG-16 base
refinedet_512 deep neural net Images Convolutional network for object detection with VGG-16 base
refinedet_vovnet27slim_512 deep neural net Images Convolutional network for object detection with VovNet-27-slim base
refinedet_vovnet39_512 deep neural net Images Convolutional network for object detection with VovNet-39 base
resnet_10_ssd deep neural net Images Convolutional network for object detection with ResNet-10 base
resnet_18_ssd deep neural net Images Convolutional network for object detection with ResNet-18 base
resnet_34_ssd deep neural net Images Convolutional network for object detection with ResNet-34 base
segnet deep neural net Images Convolutional network for segmentation
se_net deep neural net Images Convolutional network for segmentation
se_resnet_50 deep neural net Images Convolutional network for image classification
se_resnet_101 deep neural net Images Convolutional network for image classification
se_resnet_152 deep neural net Images Convolutional network for image classification
se_resnext_50 deep neural net Images Convolutional network for image classification
se_resnext_101 deep neural net Images Convolutional network for image classification
se_resnet_50_ssd deep neural net Images Convolutional network for image classification
shufflenet deep neural net Images Lightweight network for image classification
squeezenet deep neural net Images Lightweight network for image classification
squeezenet_ssd deep neural net Images Lightweight network for object detection
ssd_300 deep neural net Images Convolutional network for object detection
ssd_300_res_128 deep neural net Images Convolutional network for object detection wit ResNet tip
ssd_512 deep neural net Images Convolutional network for object detection
ssd_512_res_128 deep neural net Images Convolutional network for object detection with ResNet tip
unet deep neural net Images Convolutional network for segmentation
vdcnn_17 deep neural net Images Convolutional network for text classification
vdcnn_9 deep neural net Images Convolutional network for text classification
vgg_16 deep neural net Images Convolutional network for image classification


Native models

  • LSTM-like models (including autoencoder): recurrent
  • NBEATS model: nbeats
  • Vision transformer: vit and visformer
  • Transformer-based timeseries models: ttransformer
  • TorchVision image classification models:
    • resnet18
    • resnet34
    • resnet50
    • resnet101
    • resnet152
    • resnext50_32x4d
    • resnext101_32x8d
    • wideresnet50_2
    • wideresnet101_2
    • alexnet
    • vgg11
    • vgg13
    • vgg16
    • vgg19
    • vgg11bn
    • vgg13bn
    • vgg16bn
    • vgg19bn
    • mobilenetv2
    • densenet121
    • densenet169
    • densenet201
    • densenet161
    • mnasnet0_5
    • mnasnet0_75
    • mnasnet1_0
    • mnasnet1_3
    • shufflenetv2_x0_5
    • shufflenetv2_x1_0
    • shufflenetv2_x1_5
    • shufflenetv2_x2_0
    • squeezenet1_0
    • squeezenet1_1

Traced models

These templates require an external traced model to work:

  • Language models:
    • bert
    • gpt2
  • Detection models:
    • fasterrcnn
    • retinanet


Model instantiation parameters for recurrent template (applies to all backends supporting templates):

Parameter Template Type Default Description
layers recurrent array of string [] [“L50”,“L50”] means 2 layers of LSTMs with hidden size of 50. [“L100”,“L100”, “T”, “L300”] means an lstm autoencoder with encoder composed of 2 LSTM layers of hidden size 100 and decoder is one LSTM layer of hidden size 300


Parameter Type Optional Default Description
nclasses int no (classification only) N/A Number of output classes (“supervised” service type)
ntargets int no (regression only) N/A Number of regression targets
template string yes empty Neural network template, from “lregression”, “mlp”, “convnet”, “alexnet”, “googlenet”, “nin”
layers array of int yes [50] Number of neurons per layer (“mlp” only)
layers array of string yes [1000] Type of layer and number of neurons peer layer: XCRY for X successive convolutional layers of Y filters with activation layers followed by a max pooling layer, an int as a string for specifying the final fully connected layers size, e.g. [“2CR32”,“2CR64”,“1000”] (“convnet” only), [“AR5”, “A5” “L50”,“A50”, “L50”] means an affine / linear / innerproduct layer of size 5, followed by a ReLU, followed by a linear layer of size 5, then 1 layer of LSTMs with hidden size of 50, then one linear layer of size 50 then another lstm layer. [“L100”,“L100”, “T”, “L300”] means an lstm autoencoder with encoder composed of 2 LSTM layers of hidden size 100 and decoder is one LSTM layer of hidden size 300 (“recurrent” only)
activation string yes relu Unit activation (“mlp” and “convnet” only), from “sigmoid”,“tanh”,“relu”,“prelu”
dropout real yes 0.5 Dropout rate between layers (“mlp” and “convnet” only)
regression bool yes false Whether the model is a regressor
crop_size int yes N/A Size of random image crops as input images
rotate bool yes false Whether to apply random rotations to input images
mirror bool yes false Whether to apply random mirroring of input images


Template parameters for native templates (nbeats/ttransformer):

Parameter Template Type Default Description
template_params.stackdef nbeats array of string [“t2”,“s”,“g3”,“b3”,“h10” ] default means: trend stack with theta = 2, seasonal stack with theta maxed , generic stack with theta = 3, 3 blocks per stacks, hidden unit size of 10 everywhere
template_params.vit_flavor vit string vit_base_patch16 Vision transformer architecture, from smaller to larger: vit_tiny_patch16, vit_small_patch16, vit_base_patch32, vit_base_patch16, vit_large_patch16, vit_large_patch32, vit_huge_patch16, vit_huge_patch32
template_params.visformer_flavor visformer visformer_tiny Visformer architecture, from visformer_tiny or visformer_small
template_params.realformer vit bool false Whether to use the ‘realformer’ residual among attention heads
template_params.positional_encoding.type ttransformer string “sincos” Positional encoding “sincos for original frequential encoding, “naive” for simple enumeration
template_params.positional_encoding.learn ttransformer bool false learn or not positional encoding (starting from above value)
template_params.positional_encoding.dropout ttransformer float 0.1 value of dropout in positional encodin
template_params.embed.layers ttransformer int 3 Number of layers of MLP value embedder
template_params.embed.activation ttransformer string relu “relu”, “gelu” or “siren” : activation type of MLP embedder
template_params.embed.dim ttransformer int 32 size of embedding for MLP embedder (per timestep) (embed.dim must be divisible by encoder.heads)
template_params.embed.type ttransformer string step “step” embeds every step separately, “serie” embeds every serie separately, “all” embeds all timesteps of all serie at once (needs a lot of memory”)
template_params.embed.dropout ttransformer float 0.1 value of dropout in MLP embedder
template_params.encoder.heads ttransformer int 8 number of heads for transformer encoder (embed.dim must be divisible by encoder.heads)
template_params.encoder.layers ttransformer int 1 number of layers in transformer encoder
template_params.encoder.hidden_dim ttransformer int input_dim * embed.dim internal dim of feedfoward net in encoder layer
template_params.encoder.activation ttransformer string relu “relu” or “gelu”
template_params.encoder.dropout ttransformer float 0.1 dropout value for encoder stack
template_params.decoder.type ttransformer string simple simple is a MLP, “transformer” is attention based decoder
template_params.decoder.heads ttransformer int 8 number of heads for transformer decoder (if any)
template_params.decoder.layers ttransformer int 1 number of layers of decoder
template_params.decoder.dropout ttransformer float 0.1 dropout value for decoder stack
template_params.autoreg ttransformer bool false false for nbeats style decoding, ie gives a window of prediction at one, true for autoregressive, ie predicts value one after the others then use previsouly predicted values as a context


The DeepDetect API uses the following error HTTP and associated custom error codes when applicable:

HTTP Status Code Meaning
400 Bad Request – Malformed syntax in request or JSON body
403 Forbidden – The requested resource or method cannot be accessed
404 Not Found – The requested resource, service or model does not exist
409 Conflict – The requested method cannot be processed due to a conflict
500 Internal Server Error – Other errors, including internal Machine Learning libraries errors
DeepDetect Error Code Meaning
1000 Unknown Library – The requested Machine Learning library is unknown
1001 No Data – Empty data provided
1002 Service Not Found – Machine Learning service not found
1003 Job Not Found – Training job not found
1004 Input Connector Not Found – Unknown or incompatible input connector and service
1005 Service Input Bad Request – Any service error from input connector
1006 Service Bad Request – Any bad parameter request error from Machine Learning library
1007 Internal ML Library Error – Internal Machine Learning library error
1008 Train Predict Conflict – Algorithm does not support prediction while training
1009 Output Connector Network Error – Output connector has failed to connect to external software via network


See the Examples page, and the FAQ for tips and tricks.

Examples include:

  • Text: neural networks, from words or low-level characters
  • Images: neural networks, visual search
  • Generic Data: neural networks, gradient boosted trees, sparse data, …

Demos include: