Using DeepDetect

This section assumes DeepDetect has been built from sources.

Make sure either dede is in your PATH or provide a path to it, or run dede from the build repository:

cd deepdetect/build
./main/dede --help

Default server is listening on localhost:8080:

$ dede
DeepDetect [ commit 73d4e638498d51254862572fe577a21ab8de2ef1 ]
Running DeepDetect HTTP server on localhost:8080

The help can be obtained with:

$ dede --help
   Flags from /home/jolibrain/projects/deepdetect/dev/deepdetect/main/
         -jsonapi (whether to use the JSON command line API (0: HTTP server JSON, 1:
              commandline JSON, 2: commandline no JSON) type: int32 default: 0

  Flags from /home/jolibrain/projects/deepdetect/dev/deepdetect/src/
      -host (host for running the server) type: string default: "localhost"
          -nthreads (number of HTTP server threads) type: int32 default: 10
          -port (server port) type: string default: "8080"

Common Usage Example

The most common use is probably to run dede and start talking to the server:

$ dede
DeepDetect [ commit 73d4e638498d51254862572fe577a21ab8de2ef1 ]
Running DeepDetect HTTP server on localhost:8080

and from another terminal:

$ curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/info

which yields:


From there, follow the tutorials and build the application of your choice.